Training and Development

New Hire Training
Comprehensive orientation training is conducted for new hires when they report for work to help them settle into the CLC family. The compulsory courses cover corporate culture and background, individual rights and obligations, and ESH at work.
Professional Training
The continued development of professional skills by employees is supported by unit supervisors. Employees regularly take part in internal training as well as training at outside institutions. The training not only improves employees’ professional knowledge, skills and ability at work, but also boosts team productivity through enhanced specialization.
Management Training
The Company organizes top-down development courses for the heads of each department. These range from basic courses for management candidates to basic management training and executive leadership courses. The comprehensive training courses are tailored to the real-world requirements of management and help boost management performance.
Core Culture
Positivity, diligence, integrity, and team spirit were chosen by managers as the universal qualities expected of CLC personnel. A compulsory course was therefore developed for all employees to promote these four qualities.